AT and Recreation Master Plans

Rothesay Recreation Master Plan

The Rothesay Recreation Master Plan describes recommendations for the enhancement of leisure and recreation services for Rothesay residents. The approach taken to the preparation of this plan is research-driven. The findings and recommendations of the Plan are based on an analysis of local and regional demographics, a review and analysis of local and national recreation trends, a review of relevant documents, comprehensive community consultations, a recreation facility inventory and assessment (including a gap analysis), and a review and comparative analysis of benchmark standards for recreation service delivery. This Recreation Master Plan does not aim to provide the answers to all recreation issues, but instead provides strategic frameworks to address priority needs and issues.

Rothesay Recreation Master Plan 2024

Rothesay Active Transportation Plan

Draft Report – Rothesay Active Transportation Plan

Appendix A – Existing Conditions
Appendix B – Public Consultation Materials
Appendix C – Network Details
Appendix D – Improvement Concepts
Appendix E – Implementation Plan

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