
Rothesay Arena

Public Skating Schedule

Rental Rate for the Arena Community Room:

  • Hourly Rental           $40 / Hour (HST included)

Location: 65 Hampton Rd, Rothesay, NB

Bill McGuire Centre

Rental Agreement Form

Rental Rates for the Bill McGuire Memorial Centre:

  • 4 Hour Rental           $250 (HST included)*
  • 8 Hour Rental           $500 (HST included)*
  • * These rates are not available during the weekends between June 1st and October 31st.
  • Your event must be completed within the 4 or 8 hour allotted time, this includes set up and take down.
  • Weekend Rate          $1200 (HST included)

Location: 95 James Renforth Dr, Rothesay, NB

Wells Community Centre

Rental Agreement Form

Rental Rates for the Wells Community Centre:

  • 2 Hour Rental           $125 (HST included)*
  • 4 Hour Rental           $250 (HST included)*
  • 8 Hour Rental           $500 (HST included)*
  • * These rates are not available during the weekends between June 1st and October 31st.
  • Your event must be completed within the 2, 4 or 8 hour allotted time, this includes set up and take down.
  • Weekend Rate          $1200 (HST included)

Location: 75 French Village Road, Rothesay NB


Did You Know?

The town of Rothesay does not accept reservations or bookings for any publicly owned parks, trails, or open green spaces. Members of the public are welcome to use Town parks, trails, and open green spaces (including the pavilion at East Riverside-Kingshurst Park) for their events or ceremonies. However, those choosing to use a public space for events or ceremonies do so at their own risk of others rightfully being in the space at the same time. There is no fee for using the area. Open public spaces are accessible to anyone from dawn to dusk.

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