Heritage Preservation Review Board
Meetings of the Heritage Preservation Review Board are typically scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month. All meetings begin at 7pm in Rothesay Town Hall and are held in the Common Room. Please see the calendar for upcoming meeting dates.
Please note that meetings of the Heritage Board are almost exclusively dependent on applications from the public. Applications from the public are inherently unpredictable and can be irregular. The lack of regular applications from month to month means that meeting dates are subject to cancellation. Staff are mindful of the Board’s schedule and will make every effort to notify the Public and the Board regarding any cancellations due to the lack of an application no later than 1 week in advance of the regular scheduled meeting.
Certificate Of Appropriateness
The ROTHESAY HERITAGE PRESERVATION BY-LAW requires that all development (meaning erecting, placing, relocating, removing, renovating, restoring, demolishing, altering, repairing or replacing of the exterior of a building or structure, in whole or in part, or the erection of any signs within the preservation area) within the preservation area be first reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Review Board.
All property owners in the preservation area are required to make an application for a CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS and such application shall be filed with the Town’s Development Officer.
A copy of the Rothesay Heritage Preservation By-law can be downloaded by clicking this link.
The Rothesay Zoning Map can be found at this link location. The Heritage Zone is designated in purple in the heart of Rothesay with a zone designation of SA = Special Area.