Garbage / Compost & Recycling Truck Tracker

Welcome to Rothesay’s Garbage / Compost & Recycling Truck Tracker

This site is designed to give the public the ability to check on the current locations of the trucks as well as provide a history of the routes that the trucks have driven during the previous 2, 4, 12 and 24 hour timespans. The site also offers the option to zoom into a specific street for a closer view of the Garbage / Compost trucks.

To access the active data please click on the image below and a new window will open in your browswer taking you to the Garbage / Compost tracking tool.

To find out what day of the week your collection is on and to sign up for reminders please click here.

Site Instructions 

This site allows you to view the current locations of Garbage / Compost trucks that are travelling at a speed of 5 km/hr or greater. Only vehicles in movement will be displayed on the screen.

Google maps is used as the mapping service. You can zoom, pan, change to satellite view as well as use the Google street view.

The Town View option will zoom you back out to the full extent of the map.

The Select Street option allows you to zoom to a specific street.

The buttons above allow you to review truck history for the previous 2, 4, 12 and 24 hrs.  The route of the trucks are displayed for the selected time interval.


The information from the Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) is provided as a public service by the town of Rothesay. The town does not guarantee that all information is current or accurate. Users should verify the information before acting on it. Although every effort is made to ensure that all information is accurate and complete, the town does not guarantee its integrity. The use of this Web site is subject to the following terms and conditions and constitutes the user’s agreement to those terms and conditions. Information on this web site is provided by the town of Rothesay solely for the user’s information and it is provided without warranty, guarantee, or responsibility of any kind, either express or implied. The town of Rothesay and its employees will not be liable for any loss or damages of any nature, either direct or indirect, arising from use of the information provided on this Web site.


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