Public Hearing Notice: Rothesay Municipal Plan 2020-2030
January 12, 2021, Rothesay NB
The Council of the town of ROTHESAY, in compliance with Section 111 of the Community Planning Act of the Province of New Brunswick, intends to hold a Public Hearing of Objections for proposed By-law No. 1-20, “Rothesay Municipal Plan 2020-2030” on Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 6:00pm.
A copy of Municipal Plan By-law No. 1-20 may be viewed by visiting
A paper copy can be requested by calling (506) 848-6600 to be picked up from Rothesay Town Hall 70 Hampton Road, Rothesay, NB during regular business hours (Mon-Fri 8:15am-12noon, 1pm-4:15pm).
Due to public health restrictions the Public Hearing will be facilitated through Webex, a web-based application. Residents and members of the public are invited to participate in the Public Hearing in the following manner:
Participation Online:
In order to participate online you must register with the Town Clerk ( by no later than 12pm noon on Thursday, January 28. Once registered for the meeting you will receive an email invitation to the Webex meeting with instructions on how to join the meeting.
Please note you will require either an Internet-connected computer, cell phone or tablet device with a working microphone and video/web camera. It is strongly advisable to test your device and internet connection and microphone prior to the meeting.
Written Comments:
Anyone wishing to offer written comments on the proposed By-law may do so by addressing “Municipal Plan Comments” to Rothesay Council c/o Town Clerk ( or by mail to the Rothesay Town Clerk, 70 Hampton Road, Rothesay, NB E2E 5L5. Please note that all email attachments must be in PDF format.
All correspondence must be received no later than 12pm noon on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.
Please note that all records in the custody or under the control of the town of Rothesay are subject to the provisions of the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and may be subject to disclosure. Records may be shared with internal departments, external agencies or released at a Town committee meeting, which may be public. Any questions regarding the collection of this information can be directed to the Rothesay Town Clerk ( or by mail to 70 Hampton Road, Rothesay, NB E2E 5L5.
Mary Jane Banks, BComm
Town Clerk