Message from the Mayor

28 November, 2024


Hello Rothesay Residents,

It seems impossible, but another year has flown by, and it was a busy one for all Town Departments. Just a few highlights:

With regards to Recreation activities, we approved an exciting new Recreation Master Plan – a guide for the next 10 years. We held our first-ever Age-Friendly Wellness Fair; this was a huge success and will be an annual June event. Our busy summer Playground Program saw 336 kids registered, using three sites, including the new building at Wells Recreation Park. Users of the Wells Recreation Park will also appreciate the paving of the parking lot there – providing more efficient parking for this very busy recreational space. The Rothesay HIVE celebrated its 5th Birthday – and what a great community builder the HIVE has been, with more than 200 members in 2024.

In the Operations/Utilities Departments, there are two major projects currently on the go: Phase 2 of our new Wastewater Treatment Plant and a project to increase water production to meet the growing needs of our community. The year also saw our busiest year ever for street resurfacing, as well as completion of the upgrades to the Gondola Point Road/Clark Road intersection, providing improved safety, and flood mitigation.

Looking ahead to 2025, watch for details of Fundy Winterfest 2025! Enjoy winter fun events (January 18th to March 9th) planned by our Recreation Staff, in conjunction with the other Municipalities in our region. There will be something for everyone. Of particular interest will be the always-popular special skating nights every Wednesday evening in February on the Rothesay Common.

Finally, Council is pleased to inform residents that the Town Budget for 2025 includes a 2-cent reduction in the residential property tax rate, down from $1.19 to $1.17 per hundred dollars of assessed value.

The Mayor’s Tree Lighting will take place on December 11th at 7pm at the Rothesay Common. Come out and watch as the glorious old tree is again illuminated for the season. There will be cookies, hot chocolate, music and skating for all. I hope to see many residents there.

It is also my hope that as the year draws to a close, we may all be able to put aside our “busyness” temporarily, and find time for relaxing with family, friends, and pets. May peace, hope, joy, and love be yours, and may we all be grateful for the wonderful community in which we live.

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!


Dr. Nancy Grant
Mayor of Rothesay

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