PUBLIC NOTICE: Rothesay Ridesharing By-law
20 December 2023
Rothesay, NB
Rothesay Council considers it to be in the interest of the Town and its residents to regulate, control and collect fees for the licensing of ridesharing companies.
Under authority of the Local Governance Act, SNB 2017 c.18 and the Motor Vehicle Act, RSNB 1973 c. M-17, Rothesay Council intends to consider enactment of By-law 1-24, “Rothesay Ridesharing By-law” Council gave 1st Reading by Title to By-law 1-24 and will be giving it further consideration at the Council meeting on Monday, January 8, 2024.
The meeting will be held in the Common Room, Rothesay Town Hall, 70 Hampton Road, Rothesay, NB, starting at 7:00 pm. Public access to the Council meeting livestream will be available online:
DRAFT By-law 1-24 “Rothesay Ridesharing By-law”
Mary Jane Banks, BComm
Town Clerk
Additional information on ridesharing in New Brunswick can be found on the Financial and Consumer Services Commission (FCNB) website: