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Public Health Guidance – Fall Activities

Public Health has provided guidance on fall activities, including steps to prepare for a safe Thanksgiving and Halloween.

Small Thanksgiving gatherings are recommended this year and to hold them outside if weather permits. Hand sanitizer should be made available and everyone should wash their hands before preparing food or eating. Read the full Thanksgiving Guidelines here.

Those planning to participate in Halloween activities should keep cleanliness in mind. People who are handing out treats should sanitize their hands between visitors, keep high-touch areas such as door handles and railings clean and consider offering non-food treats like stickers or coloured pencils. Trick-or-treaters should wash their hands before heading out and upon returning home. Read the full Halloween Guidelines here.

For more information, please visit the Government of New Brunswick website for public health guidelines: https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/corporate/promo/covid-19/publichealth_guidance.html#holiday

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