Infrastructure upgrades to Wells Recreation Park in Rothesay
16 March 2022
ROTHESAY (GNB) – Provincial and federal investments totalling more than $985,000 were announced today toward the construction of a new building at Wells Recreation Park in Rothesay.
“Communities flourish when people have places to gather, interact and participate in physical activity,” said Justice Minister and Attorney General Hugh J. Flemming. “The park has seen increased use over the past years as the town has grown. This investment will ensure it will be enjoyed for many years to come.”
Flemming made the announcement on behalf of Environment and Climate Change Minister Gary Crossman, who is also the minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.
The funding will allow the town to build an accessible welcome building that will provide public washrooms, meeting rooms, a food service area, and a covered area for outdoor activities. The building will serve as the entrance to the park’s trail system, fields and dog park and is intended to serve as a safe and comfortable place for the community to come together.
The provincial government is providing a grant of $486,000 through the Regional Development Corporation, while the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is providing $500,000 through the Canada Community Revitalization Fund.
“Wells Recreation Park provides residents and visitors to the region with walking trails and outdoor spaces to gather and enjoy,” said Saint John-Rothesay MP Wayne Long. “I am pleased that the federal government is supporting key infrastructure upgrades at the park that will contribute to the health and vitality of this community.”
Long participated for federal Official Languages Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor who is also Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency.
Rothesay Mayor Nancy Grant thanked the provincial and federal governments for their support.
“The Wells recreation building is a very exciting project for Rothesay,” said Grant. “The park is well-used now, and the building will support the many activities there, as well as giving the neighbourhood a focus for meetings and social events. We are really proud of the recreation opportunity this will add to the Greater Saint John region.”