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Fall Clean-Up Week: November 9th-13th, 2020

Organic Waste Pick-Up: All items must be placed curbside by 7:00am on Monday regardless of your scheduled pick-up day.

This clean-up will be for the collection of leaves and yard waste for composting. Residents are encouraged to compost these materials on their own property for use in landscaping and gardening but if this is not appropriate or desirable, the annual pickup provides an environmentally sound means of disposal.

Fall Clean-Up Information: 

  • Leaves, grass clippings, & bundled twigs with twine no longer than 4ft and weighing no more than 40lbs. No trees larger than 4 inches in diameter.
  • Residents can use compostable bags, non-waxed cardboard cartons, or garbage cans that can be easily emptied into the trucks.
  • Please DO NOT use your compost cart for this pick-up.
  • Construction material, such as plywood, WILL NOT be picked up.


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