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Council Meeting

Common Room, Town Hall 70 Hampton Road, Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

Council Meeting Agendas

Event Series Power Skating

Power Skating

Rothesay Arena 65 Hampton Road, Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

(2 Days / Week) - $156.25 per session plus one-time Skate Canada/NB fee of $68.75 Tues & Thurs @ 4:15-5:00 Session D: 2 ice times per week Feb 13 –...Read more >

NB Power Public Information Session

Wells Community Centre 75 French Village Road, Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

Join us for an open conversation with NB Power about power reliability in Rothesay and other concerns of the community. NB Power representatives will share insights on the causes of...Read more >


Skate with the SJ Sea Dogs at the Rothesay Common

Rothesay Common 24 Gondola Point Road, Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

SPONSORED BY: Papadopsmiles Orthodontics Join us for a skate with some Saint John Sea Dogs players at the Rothesay Common on Wednesday, February 12th from 6:00-8:00pm. Come wearing your favourite Hockey...Read more >


Moonlight Snowshoe, Hike & Astronomy Observation 

Wells Community Centre 75 French Village Road, Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

Join us Wednesday, February 12th at 6:30pm for a nighttime snowshoeing and hiking adventure on the Wells Recreation Trails with River & Trail Outdoor Company. Cliff Valley Astronomy will also...Read more >

Event Series Power Skating

Power Skating

Rothesay Arena 65 Hampton Road, Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

(2 Days / Week) - $156.25 per session plus one-time Skate Canada/NB fee of $68.75 Tues & Thurs @ 4:15-5:00 Session D: 2 ice times per week Feb 13 –...Read more >

Event Series Power Skating

Power Skating

Rothesay Arena 65 Hampton Road, Rothesay, New Brunswick, Canada

(2 Days / Week) - $156.25 per session plus one-time Skate Canada/NB fee of $68.75 Tues & Thurs @ 4:15-5:00 Session D: 2 ice times per week Feb 13 –...Read more >

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